
You often want to run your queue in a development or test environment. You can add a _env query parameter (or X-Zeplo-Env header) to your requests to specify which environment the request is running in. This will then appear in the console, and can be used to filter requests.

Running in development

The easiest way to run Zeplo in your development environment is to simply remove the zeplo.to/ prefix based on an environment variable. Below is an example of how you might setup a utility function to handle this.

import axios from 'axios'

const { ZEPLO_TOKEN, NODE_ENV } = process.env

export default function queue (url: string, data: any) {
  return axios(url, {
    method: 'POST',
    params: { 
      _token: ZEPLO_TOKEN,
      _env: NODE_ENV,
    baseURL: NODE_ENV === 'production' ? `https://zeplo.to/` : '',

This approach has the advantage that in development, errors are thrown directly which can lead to easier debugging 🙌.

Running in production

The easiest way to run Zeplo in production is to expose the endpoint you want to call to the internet. Simply create a secret token which can then passed along with every request.

import express from 'express'

const { SECRET_TOKEN } = process.env

const app = express()

app.get('/my-service', (req) => {
  if (req.query.secret !== SECRET_TOKEN) {
    throw new Error('Not allowed!')

You would then call this service with:


Note: all Zeplo parameters are stripped from the URL before being relayed, so you cannot check for presence of ?_token.

On premise (running Zeplo behind your firewall)

Contact sales for running on-premise solution.